Embroidery in Qatar

Embroidery in Qatar

Embroidery is defined as the art of decorating fabrics using a needle and thread, or cloth that has been embroidered. When you sew your initials into a pillowcase in order to decorate it and make it prettier, this is an example ofembroidery. A needlepoint picture of a house is an example of embroidery.

Image result for Embroidery

Top 10 Companies in Embroidery

August Sports Tailor

Designers Textiles Tailoring & Trading Co Wll


Lords Tailoring & Textiles

Pantone Advertising & Printing

Print World Wll

Sheikh Faisal Museum

Sun Bright Trading & Tailoring

Trios Stationery & Office Equipments

Uniform Specialist

Qatar directory (online) have more than 11 companies details for your reference. Please visit here


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