Marble & Granite Products in Doha Qatar

Marble is much more richly colored and patterned than granite. ... The products made of granite materials are practically eternal. Granite (from the Latin word granum grain) is a granular rock formed by the crystallization of magma in the crust. It is composed of the minerals: quartz, feldspar and mica.

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Top 10 Companies in Marble & Granite Products

Al Hattab Holding

Dealing with the following brands: Al Hattab Building Materials, Al Hattab Engineering Consultants, Al Hattab Facilities Management, Al Hattab Food Stuffs, Al Hattab For Ceramics, Al Hattab For Waterproof & Installations, Al Hattab Investment, Al Hattab Maintenance, Al Hattab Marble Factory, Al Hattab Ready Mix Factory, Al Hattab Real Estate, Al Hattab Security Services, Al Hattab Trading & Contracting, Al Kaabi Ready Mix, Nextfairs, Sweet House For Design & Decor, Touch For Cleaning & Hospitality & Trading

Eco Facade Wll

Dealing with the following brands: Agglotech Active, Argeton, Aurubis, Besam, Eco Clad, Eco Facade, Paroc

Middle East Trading Center Wll

Dealing with the following brands: Alpharin, Dice, Sait, Sicorin

Promising Flooring Material Ltd

Dealing with the following brands: Pfm

Qatar directory (online) have more than 21 companies details for your reference. Please visit here


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