Event Organizers & Services products in Doha Qatar

An event organiser may hire event managers, or have those within their team, who help to ensure the event's success. Event coordinators help to ensure the successful running of an event and may be responsible for one, or a series, of aspects within the event planning process.

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Top 10 Companies in Event Organizers & Services

Struqta Doha Trading Contracting & Services

Dealing with the following brands: Struqta Doha

Al Hattab Holding

Dealing with the following brands: Al Hattab Ceramics & Building Materials, Al Hattab Concrete Co, Al Hattab Engineering Consultants, Al Hattab For Food Stuffs, Al Hattab Investment Co, Al Hattab Maintenance, Al Hattab Real Estate, Al Hattab Security Services, Al Hattab Trading & Contracting & Real Estate, Al Hattab Waterproof & Installations, Al Kaabi Ready Mix, Nextfairs Exhibitions & Conferences, Sweet House For Design & Decor, Touch For Cleaning Hospitality & Trading

Box International Trading & Services

Dealing with the following brands: Box International

Moments Weddings Events & Trading

Dealing with the following brands: Moments

Q - Advertise

Dealing with the following brands: Q - Advertise

Al Zhbya International (shades & Tents)

Dealing with the following brands: Al Zhbya International (shades & Tents)

Collage Advertising

Dealing with the following brands: Collage Advertising

Qatar directory (online) have more than 17 companies details for your reference. Please visit here


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