Florists and Floral Designers in Doha Qatar

Florists & Floral Designers in Doha Qatar

A Floral Designer is an artist that uses plant materials and flowers to create pleasing and balanced compositions. They typically design arrangements for weddings, parties and other special events. ... A Florist is a person or business that sells and arranges plants and cut flowers.

Top 10 Companies in Florists & Floral Designers

Al Naimi Landscaping Wll

Al Maktab Al Qatari Al Hollandi - Fresh Flowers / Plants Dept

Black Tulip Flowers

Floranza International Nursery Wll

Flower Markets

Flowers & Followers

Gardenia Flowers

Hydroponics World

Interflora Agricultural Co Wll

La Cigale Hotel

Qatar directory (online) have more than 19 companies details for your reference. Please visit here


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